Björn Peng feat. classless Kulla – Contraindications

June 20th, 2014

Wer Björn und mich an den letzten Wochenenden in Tübingen oder Halle gesehen hat, hat unser neues überdrehtes Geballer schon gehört – inhaltlich geht es um schlechte Ratschläge aller Art, keineswegs nur auf die Medizin beschränkt. Mußte mal raus.


thanks for your solutions
I just lack the proper problem
I see you’re strictly following the step-by-step how-to guide
it just doesn’t apply to me
I’m Mr Anderson, the rules just don’t seem to apply to me
the rules don’t apply to you or to anyone, really
just enough and often enough to make you believe they do

a treatable condition, an appropriate plan of action
yeah, that would be nice
but it isn’t like that, it just isn’t like that

just contraindications,
intolerances, choices between mistakes

you say, to not even get better, to just survive
I need to realize it wasn’t all my fault
but it’s nobody’s fault but mine

you say, I need to understand my situation
but that I need to stop thinking about it
you say, I have to get over it, snap out of it
but get over what? snap out of what exactly?
I won’t complain about the blows
I just wanna be able to handle it just enough
to be able to fight, to explain, to create examples
I know there is no right to fight

a treatable condition, an appropriate plan of action
yeah, that would be nice
but it isn’t like that, it just isn’t like that

just contraindications,
intolerances, choices between mistakes

6 Responses to “Björn Peng feat. classless Kulla – Contraindications”

  1. gtz Says:

    den anne-clark-y effekt auf der stimme find ich gut. was isn das? autotune und vocoder?

  2. Björn Peng Says:

    Was meinst du genau? Also welche Stelle?

  3. Hierarchieallergie Says:

    deprimierende Rückübersetzung * lustige Rückübersetzung * politische Rückübersetzung

  4. gtz Says:


    ganz grudnsätzlich den gesang. roboterhafte melodieführung und son leerer hall.

  5. classless Says:

    Da ist außer Hall kein Effekt drauf – ich sing halt so monoton 😉

    (Am Ende ein bißchen Vocoder, Refrain gedoppelt mit meinem Geschrei…)

  6. gtz Says:

    auch gut 🙂

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