Noch ein Stimmungsbericht

February 3rd, 2008

Ein riesengroßes Dankeschön ans Universum für den gestrigen Abend. Das glaubt einem ja alles keiner. Ich bin immer noch am Grinsen. So fühlt sich Profitieren vom Hype also an. (Insert angemessen albernes Emoticon here.) Ich alte Famenutte. Kann nur wiederholen, was ich auf der Bühne zum Schluß gesagt habe: Danke, danke, danke!

5 Responses to “Noch ein Stimmungsbericht”

  1. kapsler hauser Says:

    jau, der auftritt im festsaal setzte der ganzen tour noch ein krönchen auf. so soll es laufen… 🙂

  2. Der Staat Says:

    Dass Du nur grinst, hängt sicher mit diesen schlechten Drogen zusammen, die Torsun dir immer zuschiebt!

  3. classless Says:

    Nee, Staat, da hast du etwas ganz grundsaetzlich durcheinandergebracht!

  4. godforgivesbigots Says:

    Also dazu muß ich Dir doch glatt was ins Poesiealbum schreiben:

    “If you get too famous you will go straight to hell,” a Japanese Zen Master had warned… Zen hell is this world right here and now, in which you see life around you but can’t participate in it. You’re forever a stranger from your own life because there’s something in your life that holds you back. You see others bathing in the life all around them while you have to drink it through a straw, never getting enough.

    You would think that fame and fortune would bring a sense of closeness to other people, but quite the opposite happens. You split into two people, who they think you are and who you really are, and that produces the Zen hell. …

    Each person you come to is a different mirror. And since you’re just another person like them maybe you’re just another mirror too, and there’s no way of ever knowing whether your own view of yourself is just another distortion. Maybe all you ever see is reflections. Maybe mirrors are all you get. First the mirrors of your parents, then friends and teachers, then bosses and officials, priests and ministers, and maybe writers and painters too. That’s their job too, holding up mirrors.

    But what controls all these mirrors is the culture: the Giant, the gods; and if you run afoul of the culture it will start throwing up reflections that try to destroy you, or it will withdraw the mirrors and try to destroy you that way… The mirrors take over your life and soon you don’t know who you are. Then the culture controls you and when it takes away your mirrors and the public forgets you the withdrawal symptoms start to appear. And there you are, in the Zen hell of celebrity… Hemingway with the top of his head blown off, and Presley, full of prescription drugs.” – Robert Pirisig.

    Also laß Dich ma nich überfordern, nee nö.

  5. godforgivesbigots Says:

    Ach, Preview Is Would Be My Friend

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